keep your eyes on the starts and your feet on the ground

Friday, April 22, 2016

Welcome to my blog

 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Penyayang dan Maha Pemurah...


Hye again...welcome to my New Blog. Its been a while since i deleted my old blog. Deleting my previous blog was not in my actual plan, the actual plan was i just wanted to delete all the unnecessary posts and improper/not suitable pictures, but since its involve too many pictures and posts, so i decided to just delete the whole blog and start all over again. A little bit of sadness hahah but for the good purpose i dont mind. chillax..!! i still can view the blog tho through blogger dashboard....i dont know..not sure...try later lahh..;-p

so here i am again...hopefully i won't give you bored stories here lol, really hope that i can share something that is beneficial  in shaa Allah.

till then.
22 April 2016
3.54pm, my room
